Alumni Association

The association's objectives are :

  • Create synergy between IUP Health Engineering players (graduates, students, faculty, industrial partners, etc.).
  • Maintain, federate, animate and perpetuate the alumni network.
  • Help and advise young and former graduates in their integration and professional transition.
  • Make constructive proposals to ensure that teaching is constantly adapted to the changing needs of industry, and thus enhance the excellence of the school's training.

To carry out all these projects, we need the help of all our graduates. We therefore invite them to join AAEISM and give a little of their time to develop the association.

Alumni of Health Engineering Montpellier, become a member and enjoy the many benefits that AAEISM has to offer!

Contact us

Below are the Linkedin links of some of the association's board members.

Find members of the association on LinkedIn :

Nicolas Lauron- Agnès Guagliardo-ClémentBénamara-YannickBardie-MounirKasbaoui-ArnaudCoustol-AurianeNadal-MathiasCam


Saturday, June 11, 2022 - Graduation ceremony for the classes of 2020 and 2021

2 graduation ceremonies in one day: the Health Engineering classes of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 had been denied graduation due to the pandemic. We had to make up for it!

And to see the photos taken by Mathias Cam (VPCom AAEISM), follow the 2 links below:

For the class of 2020 - For the class of 2021

Friday, June 10, 2022 - Symposium celebrating 30 years of healthcare engineering training

This symposium consisted of a day of oral presentations by graduates from the various courses.
The event took place on the Faculty of Pharmacy campus from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. An interactive discussion and question-and-answer session were broadcast live.

And a few memories

Graduation ceremony for the class of 2018 (with photos)

AAEISM, in collaboration with the BDE and the Faculty of Pharmacy, organized this traditional 2019 graduation ceremony event. See photos on the right...

See also the Google photo album of the 2018 graduation ceremony.

Alumni Day is back at IUP Santé!

AAEISM, together with the Health Engineering program, organized Alumni Day, or rather Alumni Weekend 2020 at the Montpellier Faculty of Pharmacy and the Massane estate.

On Friday, February 7, Master 1 and 2 students will have the opportunity to share their professional experiences and their vision of the field with alumni of the program:

  • Presentations by alumni and professionals specific to each Master's option
  • Free interaction with students
  • Round table discussion with all players on a specific theme

The February 8 event takes place at the Montpellier-Massane estate:

  • 3pm-4pm: AAEISM general meeting
  • 4pm-7pm: After Work Week-End IUP, open to Health Engineering students, alumni, guests and industry professionals: networking, presentation of partner associations...
  • 8pm-4am: IUP 2020 Gala, open to Health Engineering students and alumni.

Health Engineering Alumni Day